Jim McKenzie Jim McKenzie

The Politics of Jesus Trumps Everything Else

Despite the fact that some might argue otherwise, I believe that Jesus was a political figure.  Not so much in the sense of the modern-day politician who seeks office for power or personal gain.  But Jesus was clearly concerned with politics… just not our politics.

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shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie

The Hero’s Journey

A character with a problem meets a guide. Every hero needs a trusted guide, one who displays both empathy and authority. Luke had Yoda. Frodo had Gandalf. Daniel LaRusso had Mr. Miyagi. As Christians, we're on the Hero's Journey too! Who is our trusted guide?

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shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie

Finding Bigfoot

Last weekend, I attended the Great Florida BigFoot Conference in Ocala with my wife and our 14-year-old son, Cooper, whose interest in all things Sasquatch was pique after a trip with us to Washington state last year. His favorite t-shirt features BigFoot with this line: “Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.”

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shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie

A Shot in the Arm

It all Have you ever had one of the weeks when you're absolutely exhausted and the weekend can't get here fast enough? I've had weeks like that, usually because I over-scheduled or overcommitted myself, but when those weeks turned to months and months, I knew something else was wrong…

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shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie

Move That Bus

In 2010, the hit TV series Extreme Makeover: Home Edition rolled into my hometown to surprise the Wagstaff family with a Rock-n-Roll vacation and a newly-renovated home when they returned. The crowd is chanting, “Move that bus! Move that bus!” as the anticipation builds. Finally, Ty leads the family is shouting, “Bus driver, move that bus!”

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shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie shabbat shalom Jim McKenzie

Going Deep

As we waded into the water from the boat ramp, the waves were picking up, tossing us around while we tried to get our masks and fins on. Then the rain started. Yet, our dive instructor urged us on, so we swam atop the rough waters for about fifty yards. But as we swam, my disappointment and anger were growing. This is not what it was supposed to be like. This is the Caribbean! I was floating in a sea of discontent.

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