Going Deep

Sabbath provides a much-needed time for rest and worship. When we worship—whether in song or reading or prayer—we are declaring who God is. In doing so, we remember who we are and whose we are.

A Deep Dive into His Goodness

I visited Grand Cayman while on a Caribbean cruise a few years back and so I booked a scuba excursion to see the famous Cheeseburger Reef during the stop. You can swim to it direct from the shore so all I needed was some rental gear.

As I was getting suited up with the other divers, I noticed storm clouds starting to roll in from the horizon. As we waded into the water from the boat ramp, the waves were picking up, tossing us around while we tried to get our masks and fins on. Then the rain started. Yet, our dive instructor urged us on, so we swam atop the rough waters for about fifty yards. But as we swam, my disappointment and anger were growing. This is not what it was supposed to be like. This is the Caribbean! I was expecting warm sunshine and balmy breezes and colorful coral reefs. Instead, I get rain clouds and wind gusts and lightning strikes overhead.

I was floating in a sea of discontent.

The instructor gave the signal for descent. I released the air from my flotation device and began to sink below the surface. It was amazing. This was the Caribbean that I was promised. This was the colorful coral reef and aquatic life that I had hoped for. There, thirty feet below the surface, the world looked so different. The anxiety above replaced by a tranquility below. Everything had changed, and yet, nothing had changed. When I turned to look back at the surface, I could still see the rain pelting the water and the lightning flashing overhead. The storms were still present up above, but now I had a new perspective. For the next 45 minutes, I explored Cheeseburger Reef with a heart full of gratitude and awe.

Worship allows us to descend into the goodness of God. To find peace in the midst of the storm. Worship doesn't change our circumstances, but it can change our perspective. In his own season of despair, David declared in Psalm 34:

"I will praise the Lord at all times.

I will constantly speak his praises.

I will boast only in the Lord;

let all who are helpless take heart."

When life beats us down, worship lifts us up. May this weekend be a time of encouragement to you as you rest and worship.


Move That Bus