A Shot in the Arm

Have you ever had one of the weeks when you're absolutely exhausted and the weekend can't get here fast enough? I've had weeks like that, usually because I over-scheduled or overcommitted myself, but when those weeks turned to months and months, I knew something else was wrong…

A Shot in the Arm

Coming out of the Christmas holiday, I started to really struggle with exhaustion. At first, I thought it was lingering fatigue from a busy season or perhaps a bit of weariness from returning to the daily rhythms of work and life after a few months of leisure and late nights.

But as January turned to February, I was getting worse, not better. By noon, most days I was exhausted and taking mid-day naps. By dinner time, I was asleep on the couch. And when I was awake, I felt like I was sleepwalking. I had no energy and no motivation. I didn't feel like myself at all.

Given my history of hyperthyroidism, I called my doctor and asked if I should get my thyroid levels checked again. He agreed, though he suggested we test for a few other things too.

When the results arrive a couple of days later, my thyroid numbers were perfect. The culprit, it seemed, was not my thyroid, but my B12 levels. They were extremely low. My doctor prescribed a regiment of biweekly B12 injections to boost my levels. Even though I was taking a daily supplement that included 400% of the recommended daily allowance of B12, it wasn't enough. I needed a prescription strength injected directly into my arm.

After the first dose, nothing changed. Two weeks later, another dose.., and still nothing. I didn't feel any better. Two more weeks, another shot… and this time, the results were astounding! Within 24 hours I felt remarkably better. More importantly, for the first time in over three months, I felt like myself again.

When I leave my church on Sunday mornings, I feel the same way. No matter how the week has been, no matter how wearisome I was, I feel like my true self again. Sunday morning worship - in the context of a loving and gracious community of people - is the spiritual B12 shot I need.

When I miss church for work or travel, I feel it. My daily regiment of prayer and Scripture reading isn't enough. It sustains me, yes, but Sundays re-invigorate me.

Church is not an obligation, it's a gift. As Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus:

He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher to train Christ's followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ's body, the church, until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-12, MSG)

This weekend, find a place to worship with others. Sing aloud together. Read the Scriptures together. Encounter Christ at the communion table together. And be encouraged and equipped for the work ahead.

Because we all need a shot in the arm sometimes.


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