The Hero’s Journey

I spent this week in Nashville, TN, leading a Marketing & Enrollment Training Retreat for 60+ Christian school leaders from across the US for three days. One of the common marketing mistakes for a lot of schools and organizations is that they position themselves as the hero of the story (i.e. look how great we are!) But schools are not to be the hero, we are to be the guide.

A Trusted Guide

Storybrand creator Don Miller suggests a story typically follows this formula:

  1. a character

  2. with a problem

  3. meets a guide

  4. who offers him a plan

  5. and calls him to action

  6. that results in success or failure

A character with a problem meets a guide. Every hero needs a trusted guide, one who displays both empathy and authority.

  • Luke had Yoda.

  • Frodo had Gandalf.

  • Daniel LaRusso had Mr. Miyagi.

  • Harry Potter had Albus Dumbledore.

  • Neo had Morpheus.

  • Po had Master Shifu.

As Christians, we're on the Hero's Journey too! God is writing our story and we are the main characters. Who is our trusted guide?

Who do you turn to for guidance, direction, encouragement, empathy, wisdom, and authority?

I know you know the right answer. It's Jesus, of course. Duh!

But before you dismiss the question altogether, perhaps we can take a moment and do a quick audit of the many voices speaking to us today and humbly consider which one is the guiding influence of our lives.

If I'm being honest with myself, I have to admit that sometimes I look to other people and things to be my guide. I mean, how easy is it to allow Facebook or Fox News or friends and family to become a surrogate guide?

Or worse yet, what happens when we try to be our own guide?

My prior attempts at a self-guided journey have never ended in success.

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." (Psalm 32:8)

We are all a character with problems. But in Jesus, we find our trusted guide. As the Son of Man who suffered and died, he has unwavering empathy towards us. As the Son of God, he has all authority in heaven and on the earth. There is no greater guide.

So as we enter our weekend, let's turn our hearts to Jesus, our Guide. He offers us each a plan and calls us to action that we may experience life and life to the fullest.

Let the journey begin!


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